A Law Dictionary: Revised Sixth Edition, 1856

Increase your basic understanding of law through the law dictionary and the definitions used in the Constitution and the laws throughout the United States of America. Download PDF File
Ancient Legal Maxims and Modern Human Rights

Until the middle of the nineteenth century books were still being published which appeared to regard the ancient maxims as central pillars of the law.’ The teaching of the law was organized around them. They were cited reverentially in court. Since that time the maxims have steadily declined in importance. From guiding principles, they became interesting illustrations and […]
Downloadable Document and PDF Files

This page houses links to 55 downloadable Word and PDF files which will provide to be valuable resources when educating yourself on Common Law. Page Link: Documents & PDF Files
Out with the Old Guard and In with the New!

Stay tuned and watch as we learn to walk in HONOR with these foreign corporations who are acting as our government. This NOT our government! This is an insurrection. That is why they are investing in hurting the people rather than protecting their rights. It’s time to peacefully assemble and form our own, private PMA […]
Court Access and the Common Law Course

An introduction course to Court Access and Common Law written & presented by John Darash. Topics include The Essentials, Pleadings, Cause of Action, Defenses, Motions, Memorandums of Law, Court Rules, Ready for Trial, Appeal/Enforcement/Writs, Case Examples, and NLA & COS Video Link
The Great We-Set

How you can join Americans who are taking America back one county at a time, and enforcing the Constitution at last Yes, there’s a way to take America back from the powerful, secret, ruthless interests operating without our knowledge or consent. Restore the small districts our Founding Fathers intended, bring Congress home where we can […]

Taking America Back Again, One County at a Time TACTICAL CIVICS™ is We the People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us. And unlike politics, TACTICAL CIVICS™ needs only half of 1% of the People to take responsibility. TACTICAL CIVICS™ teaches the sovereign/servant relationship stipulated in the United States Constitution. We The […]
SG Sits Down w/ NLA to Discuss Transitioning Our Nation Back to Common Law Republic

A panel discussion about the transition from Centralized Maritime Law to Common Law Constitutionalism. Video Link: SGAnon Panel on Common Law
The Greatest Show on Earth (2023)

This powerful documentary from Good Lion Films, produced and written by Nick Alvear, shares the Cabal takedown from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump, Covid-19, the 2020 election, Joe Biden’s funeral, J6 setup, and how the continuity of government through the current events taking place will usher in the greatest time […]
Constitutional Law Group

Constitutional Law Group is a team of volunteer Patriots. We are here to educate and to afford you the blessing of being able to assist others by sharing the resources on our website. This is a place to study, learn, and share knowledge, wisdom, and procedure, among other things. Please go to the Education & […]