
“Putting pen to paper lights more fire than matches ever will” – Malcolm Forbes


Taking America Back Again, One County at a Time TACTICAL CIVICS™ is We the People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us. And unlike politics, TACTICAL CIVICS™...

The Karis Project

The Karis Project is a humanitarian project initiated by DSR Karis Consulting Inc. to exemplify its values encapsulated by Engineering Reimagined.  The Karis Project’s mission is healing families through restoration...


Re-inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Is an unprecedented truthful historical account of America that has been “hidden in plain sight” from the American people.  This account is...


A MUST READ!!! In order to know if an Oath of Office is legitimate you must learn about the Justinian Deception… taught by Romley Stewart   Visit Website

Constitutional Law Group

Constitutional Law Group is a team of volunteer Patriots. We are here to educate and to afford you the blessing of being able to assist others by sharing the resources...