“Putting pen to paper lights more fire than matches ever will” – Malcolm Forbes
Taking America Back Again, One County at a Time TACTICAL CIVICS™ is We the People finally enforcing the magnificent Law that our forefathers left us. And unlike politics, TACTICAL CIVICS™...
The Karis Project
The Karis Project is a humanitarian project initiated by DSR Karis Consulting Inc. to exemplify its values encapsulated by Engineering Reimagined. The Karis Project’s mission is healing families through restoration...
Re-inhabited: Republic for the United States of America Is an unprecedented truthful historical account of America that has been “hidden in plain sight” from the American people. This account is...
A MUST READ!!! In order to know if an Oath of Office is legitimate you must learn about the Justinian Deception… taught by Romley Stewart Visit Website
Free Legal Research Resources – United States
A range of online sources for anyone interested in researching U.S. law free of cost. Visit Website
Constitutional Law Group
Constitutional Law Group is a team of volunteer Patriots. We are here to educate and to afford you the blessing of being able to assist others by sharing the resources...